July 30, 2012

Don't give in to the daily grind...

Life's a bitch ...

especially when your coffee pot turns into one! Oh my goodness could my week get any worse??

My favorite bakery, ever in life, closes, my coffee pot decides to produce sludge instead of brewed bliss ....

ages old coffee pot being retired  

How is anyone supposed to stay "Healthier, Happier" like this!

Well, out with the old and in with the new!

new coffee pot purchased today, but looks just like the one I had 10 years ago! wtf!

Now, while I am not a good small appliance shopper, I can share that I owned this model BEFORE I purchased the recently expired model. It had been with me a long, long time (5-7 years) but I became enticed with the newer version because it had a coffee grinder. Fast forward 7 years and pow! I get the 2012 version today because it was the ONLY brand on sale at COSTCO. My little pea brain did a "WTF" in the aisle when I realized: a) I would not be purchasing a cheap but good coffee pot b) I would be purchasing the brand I already had, but hey, at least I know that it will last 5-7 years c) I would finally be having a piping hot cup of coffee without the sludgy grinds in it because I took the plunge and bought a nice pot d) having the grinder built in is not all it is cracked up to be e) that is what the magic bullet is for - GRINDING BEANS e) I have now made coffee with this brand at least 15 years!


Just know that I am happy, I made a hot pot of java as soon as I came home and this week will be great after all, even if I have to shoot myself in the foot to make it happen!!


Michelle said...

Uh-oh. What bakery closed? And if it makes you feel any better, last year my husband's coffee pot broke, too. ON his birthday. I ended up getting him an expresso pot (that can't break) that he actually loves a whole lot more. Go fig. Glad you have a solution for those coffee woes!

Unknown said...

Bleeding Heart who provided Social Rev Up all of our signature cakes :(

an espresso pot? Hmm, I should have done my due diligence! I was desperate, lol!