April 16, 2012


photo courtesy of Houseonahillorg

As you know, I am a vegan BUT in my pre-herbivorous lifestyle, MAN could I put away some hotdogs!!!

When I was in high school my bestie's mom had a package in their fridge with my name on it for me to eat when I came by after school!

I even fell in love with someone who was nicknamed "The Hotdog Man"!


So when Vienna Beef invited CHICAGONISTALIVE for a fun afternoon, I was excited! 

They are pioneers in the hotdog world! Vienna Beef has its factory right on the craziest corner in Chicago and MAN do I love passing by. Damen - Elston - Fullerton has long had the distinction of being wacky for traffic but now that I feel comfortable pulling in the lot I am going to be a new regular! 

They even have a vegan soup.

It was a great afternoon!

photo courtesy of Houseonahillorg


Melisa Wells said...

Hot dogggggggs!!!!

Unknown said...

bwahahaaa!!! When are we going??