May 9, 2011

When things get tough, think of the rainbows

Mother's Day 2011 was PEEERRRRRFECT!

How does THAT happen?

Probably a luck of the draw.

Many of you know that though I wondered a wild way around religiously, and that I left the Catholic Church about 25 years ago in search of myself and my God. I never left my Christian faith though I did embrace the many faiths out there in a new light as a result of my journey. Leisurely, I practiced as a Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran (ex-hubby), and settled within the sanctity of the Apostolic views for a long time while raising my boys. It provided the guidance and structure I needed to build up my little black men (THANK YOU BISHOP BRAZIER) ... but after my divorce I found myself driving around in my car downtown one rainy afternoon and suddenly I was moved and began to pray. I had lost my step-son ( he moved with his father) and was worried about my own little 3 year old's coping skills. I gripped that steering wheel for God's grace and guidance. I promised obedience if he would just find a way for me to bring up my boy right.

I pulled over because it was raining so hard. I sat in that car and started reading the Gazette. My child and I were homeless, staying with friends while our new home was being finished, and I was not happy with his preschool.

I saw this HUGE ad for a school that was so expensive but I heard a voice that said, "Apply and I will provide." I did and my son was accepted. He received assistance, and ultimately accolades, years later once he graduated 8th grade. He is best friends with the editor's (of that newspaper) daughter and is on the honor roll in his high school right now. I don't know why this was put on my heart to share with you all today, but I suppose it is to preach that no matter your faith, be diligent and obedient to your savior. The darker the night the brighter you will see the day when it comes. Yesterday, as I shook Cardinal Francis George's hand, yes I went back to the Catholic church like a good Creole girl, I was overwhelmed by the blessings that have showered me.

I have found peace and love, and have been so very happy to raise my son. He is my joy and my light. I am fully aware that the joy is borrowed, but I have found, in being my son's mother, that for me, there is no greater joy. I know life can beat us up, and spit us out at any moment, so when the days are perfect we must smile brightly and enjoy. We must hang on for when perfection finds us and sprinkles rainbows around our feet. It doesn't come often, but it does happen every now and again. Savor the sweetness, seek the good, and let them carry you through when you stumble into the mud.

Life is a battle that often renders us helpless, but I know that in faith, we find strength and endurance to make it until our fight is done.

Carry on my friends, carry on!


Tom Brennan said...


Good thoughts. You may be surprised to learn that there are big changes coming in the Catholic church (see link below):

As you may be aware, I visited something like 65 churches in Evanston before "settling in" at a local ELCA church because (1) I really liked the pastor and (2) the services were similar to MY Catholic background

Unknown said...

WOW, I never thought I would even be able to read something like that in my lifetime!