What a rip off!
If anyone has an Amazon account, you know that once you put an item in your "cart" the price can still change. Up or down! I am always happy when it goes down.
I am not a usual shopper that operates in unison with trends or "Holiday" lures, but I was anticipating a head-start of this season because I am in need of a new camera to provide my wonderful readers {that's you} with some incredibly detailed pictures.
So, Saturday night, I did a little early camera shopping and found Amazon to have the best price on a Canon! I was so excited and pleased popping it into my account.
Monday arrives, I'm tweeting away on Twitter when I see a tweet that reminds me I have a camera in my Amazon cart.
Anticipating a HUGE DEAL, I was quickly annoyed when everything in my cart surfaced with increases!
AMAZON #FAIL. Certainly, the $169.00 plus free battery was a deal, and yes the new $199.00 {no battery} is still a deal, but I am less inclined to shop around the holidays.
I feel scammed and schamoozled.
Rammed and bamboozled. I know not to trust retailers, but I thought we were in a new age. Consumerism has taken quite a punch. It was my impression that the consumer world was offering transparency, accountability and quality.
Don't be fooled ladies and gents. Apparently it's business as usual, and we get it right in the gut.
Don't get me wrong, I was able to get the shoes my son was hoping for at a very reasonable price, but trust me, I purchased right away, not giving anyone the opportunity to pull that rug from up under my feet.
Happy sales!
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