Our friend, Michelle Pfenninghaus FINDYOURBALANCEHEALTH is running a Mom's Real Food Recipe Carnival!
What a spectacular way to honor our Moms! Granmoms! Aunts and the fabulous cooks in our lives! You can join us ~ COME ON! It'll be fun!
My Gran was born in St. Mary's parish in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1918.
She survived malaria there and raised 3 children of her own here in Chicago. AND she was a great creole cook.
Now that I am vegan, I substitute the dairy and poultry but will share it with you exactly as she wrote it down.
She has gone on to the other side but she remains with me in everything New Orleans.
Tea Biscuits
3 cups flour
4 teas. baking powder
1/2 teas. nutmeg
1 cup raisins
1 teas. vanilla
1 egg beaten
2/3 cup milk
mix first four ingredients as for pie crust. Plump raisins in small amt. of hot water, pour off excess water. Add raisins, vanilla, egg and milk to dryy mixture. Roll out and cut 3/8 - in. thick. Sprinkle with sugar and bake at 350° for 8 - 10 minutes. These are quick to fix and good any time of day ~
Thanks Granmama!
Can't wait to have a cup of chamomile and biscuits with you again some day soon ~ LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Thanks Michelle for a great idea
Aw, I love it! Thank you for sharing and joining the carnival!
Thanks for visiting my blog:)
I love the name of your blog.Great to see that you've posted your gran's recipe for the carnival-it'll be interesting to see all the recipes.Love the tea biscuits(in India,we refer to cookies as biscuits).
Thanks for dropping by, I enjoyed your blog as well. I can not wait to see the final carnival submissions ~ what fun!
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