Ann is powerfully demure (it's possible) not easily contained, smooth, and douses any fire from fear. Need a life coach, mentor, leadership adviser or just a good friend and you can find it in Ann. ANN IS A WARRIOR-PRENEUR who has graciously honored my request to visit the House!!! I am SO excited that this vibrant spirit has taken a moment from empowering folks across this great land to share a bit of herself with us! THANK YOU, ANN ~

You mentioned that you are from Chicago. Can you tell us about your upbringing her in the Mid-west?
Well, yes and no. I am 2nd generation Italian and my entire family is from Chicago. I was born during the Vietnam war though and as a military family we moved. But my heart is with my extended family in Chicago and I go at least once a year to visit them.
What is the essence of Ann?
I am strong, confident and determined. But like any other woman, peel away the layers and my heart is fully involved in everything I do. I cry, I laugh, I love . Life is feeling, I could not imagine not having heart.
When did you know that you could reach people and empower them?
I have always been influential, but realizing you have the ability to empower others is another thing. I think I first realized it in college while writing my undergraduate thesis. I interviewed wives and girlfriends of prison inmates. My abilities to make them feel valued, listened to and respected allowed them to share hours of information no one ever thought they’d share. The thesis has actually been published 3 times in journals!
Your feistiness is contagious, how do you keep the fire burning?
I didn’t grow up easy, but the fire has always been there! I think being feisty comes through because of 2 traits; a belief in TRUTH- people don’t describe me as honest but as “THE TRUTH” and a belief in HUMOR - life is meant to be full of laughter. Put them together and feisty is what you get!
What is a Warrior-Preneur in today’s world?
Independent, confident, savvy, creative, solution-oriented, influential, spiritual, self-aware, loving, maverick, life-long learner, strategic. A Warrior-Preneur knows they are in charge of their lives, their success, their happiness, whatever path.
Many women take a stance of inferiority or sheepishness in the work place and in their lives, what do you say to them?
STOP IT! Esteem and confidence is yours to take! If you think your life sucks stop thinking like that! Whoa THAT IS Zena!! Victimitis, the disease of blaming everyone else needs to look at their own thoughts that might be creating that reality.
I know we have to read your book "The Power of Leadership, 'Being the leader, Producing results'", but can you give us a teaser? How can an introverted woman tap into her inner warrior?
The book is a compilation of several authors on how leaders produce results. I am amazed how many small business owners do not realize they are leaders! As I described a Warrior-Preneur, you can be introverted or extroverted. Ultimately the key for any woman is to build confidence. There is power in introverted strength or extroverted strength and combined with the loving heart, a woman is truly a warrior.
You give seminars, conference calls and encourage women to take full advantage of social media, what are the greatest aspects of this advice?
I think women should take advantage of everything life has to offer, which is so much more than social media! I want women to realize that no matter what they are taking advantage of:
♀They do not need to be afraid
♀They have a voice worth hearing
♀Their greatest asset, wanting to help others, is their smartest strategy when social networking
♀That “media” is just technology and they can learn it and use it in powerful and fun ways!
It is so obvious that your work is your fun, but what else does Ann do, say on a beautiful evening or just out with friends…where would we find you?
Well, I am a home body! I travel so much, that I love being home, reading, enjoying my view, cooking, drinking wine with friends. When I do leave for fun I love the wine country! It’s always an adventure! I am a tremendous cook. Not a recipe kind of cook; I love to try things out. All my family says I should do a cookbook or site!
Give us a break-down of each of your sites. What is your vision for Social Networking Coaching
I want to take coaching to the next level. I remember when coaching was only done face-to-face, then the telephone was offered as an option and most do it like that today. Online is a “just-in-time” coaching opportunity at an affordable rate so more people have access to it.
How does interpret you and where you see women in the next ten years?
I want women to realize that smart, savvy and sexy comes in all shapes and sizes. I want women to realize that as soon as we become a true warrior tribe, loyal to each other, our lives will be so much easier. I want women to become loyal and committed to WOMEN! My goals for my business is to certify warriors to facilitate my courses to others around the globe.
WOW! THAT'S fantastic! I feel as if I could rule the world right now, and I haven't had my java yet!
Ann has been such an inspiration to me and I hope you all enjoy her. You can find Ann on Twitter: @ANNEVANSTON, at any of her sites, ZENA WOMEN, SKYPE +15103566340
OR YOUTUBE. The Youtube channel comes HIGHLY recommended~
Find the Warrior-Preneur in YOU TODAY!
FABULOUS interview, ladies. Highly inspiring. Greatly enjoyed!
(victimitis, indeed!) LOl...
Hi KR! Thank you! As we as women leave that crazy world of vicitmitis and bad mouthing other women - wow great things will happen! hehe!
Ann Evanston
the Warrior is Within You
What a great interview. I actually hadn't heard of Ann before this. I just love how strong she is!
(I was having trouble spelling...happens right before my afternoon java!)
As I was attempting to say! Ashley, I hope you are feeling better!
Ann is a force of love and giving and firm and insightful...glad you stopped in ~
Ashley! Each of us as women has an amazing strength we just need to let out and love! Ann
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