The world just shrank to minuscule proportions this week. Everyone is becoming conscious of one thing or another. There are a gazillion issues that need discussing and it can be overwhelming.
Everything you do now has a trickle affect that indeed SNOWBALLS.
You may not realize but with our technology today, one thing you do outside of yourself certainly seeds and blossoms.
I began thinking about this today. It is almost a universal referral program or the whole "Chickens coming home to roost" but in a good way. "What goes around, comes around" but in a good way!
That small coffee you sponsor at your church, it is a seed.
That elderly friend you see each day that you speak to and give his doggie healthy treats, it is a seed.
A smile. Paying a meter for a stranger. Buying the guy behind you his coffee. Just as that commercial used to air.
It comes full circle.
Plant a seed today ~ keep me posted ... as I always, I want to share in your ups and downs!
Enjoy this day!
Amen to this! Thanks for the reminder and wonderful analogy that what we do is a seed. Great reminder and I totally agree!
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