During the coverage of Hurricane Ike, I saw a clip where some poor, despairing business owner put a huge hand-painted sign on the side of his Galveston building and it read "Go HOME Ike, Tina's not here!"
Well, this storm is a hard headed one, Tina or no Tina, it is leaving a wake of destruction and ruin. I felt an outpouring of sympathy and stayed glued to the coverage, mainly on The Weather Channel, hoping everyone stayed safe and out of harms way...
NOW I am praying for myself ~ here in the sopping Midwest! These storms have their own purpose I am sure, but yesterday morning, at about 5am, Chicagoland became a wetland at Ike's mercy!
National Hurricane Center
It started with typical rain and has steadily intensified. Now, as we go along today, Ike remains relentless, still punching at our lowlands which are flooding fast.
Drips have turned to pouring which have turned to puddles that have formed in eveyones' homes that I have spoken with today. It is seeping in whatever way it can!
I am considering turning my basement into a wading pool Thanks Ike!
...You REALLY suck.
Just thought I'd share that with you ~ Happy Mopping Everyone!
The damage from Ike looks SO crazy. I couldn't help but think about what would happen in LA if some sort of disaster took place. My mom told me the water was coming in her basement like crazy on Sunday. Hope it's clearing up!
Oh no! Are you joking me? I hate being without a TV...we haven't heard anything about this. Yes, it sucks! I saw a sign on a pizza place that read, "hit the road, Ike"! Stay dry and safe!
WOW, after Ike I can no longer spell!
Los Angelista,
Canoe was the mode of transportation down Montrose near the Chicago River on Monday! I hope your Mom's cleanup was not too horrendous!
Are you guys still without power???
Well, atleast we now know we are not as far apart as we thought! We're just a hurricane away!
I hope your alligators are not too aggravated ;0~
Now I have a clearer appreciation for those "Hurricane" Drinks and probably could use one right about now ;0)
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