November 29, 2007

MOST of the time, I am just as happy as happy can be because there is nothing more that I want than to maintain my breathing, my love and my peace.

Having said that, being still considered a neophyte in the BLOGGING world, I tend to visit one site and end up somewhere not really knowing how I got there, and then once I become emotional about what I've read there my mind turns a million times per minute so please just know that all I can say about this is that I ended up here:


And I would really like to know, though I can not speak for Disney's intentions until after I contact them, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING???!!!!

I am sure they have lawyers, people of color on their staff, I mean...come on here people, I swear if I see one more of these things this year, I am going to definitely lose it!!! I will keep you posted with Disney contact information. I really do not know what excuse they can have that would satisfy me or many others...stay tuned!!!!

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