August 15, 2015

#Blogher15 Late #MultiCulti15 #Queerosphere Recap!

Blogher is the reason this blog is still running. It is an internet based network that informs, promotes and employs women's dreams.

I have been attending Blogher national conferences since 2009.

For the past three years I have been blessed by being able to accompany Paulina Campos, and Ananda Leeke as #MultiCulti co-hostesses. "MultiCulti" encompasses the world as we all see it.

I really love all of them, Blogher/SheKnows ( Lori Luna is our lovely guardian angel ) and watching how we work together inspires me all year long.

This year was extra special in that we were able to share the space with Deb Rox

Working with fantabulous people is what networking on the web is ALL about! 
I added Mardi Gras beads for the love of NOLA

Let them eat cake!

Laken, Princess Eliana & Carlissa 
This #MultiCulti, I ATE, A LOT!


I don't know how the gals at Blogher/SheKnows can top this year's conference, BUT, I have a sneaky suspicious that they WILL!!!

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