It was phenomenal! It was a HOOT! It was SOOOO much fun!!!
It was as if the entire experience had been touched by the Fairies!
While the sessions were informative - and uh - CROWDED, the EXPO was the MOST FUN!!!
I was SOOOO happy to meet my idol bloggers like Los.Angelista, Punditmom, ThatWoman, Mochamom, NYCMama, CutieBootyCakes, JUST TO NAME A FEW!
Being my first time, I was a little set back when Friday Morn, I became a victim of "THE ~ LOST ~ TAGGERS". They could not find my registration tag! I felt rejected and blue but alas, it was resolved and the rest of the experience was WOOHOO!
The parties, the swag, the great company: CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERYONE NEXT YEAR! BLOGGER 2010 - NYC HERE WE COME - LOOK OUT!

AskWifey, greenyourdecor.com , MyBrownBaby, DoingSoWell, MommyDaddyBlog, NYCityMama, LosAngelista, MyLifeAWorkInProgress

HouseOnAHill, I'm so glad you had a great time!
I do think that we have a l'il work to do to reduce the registration/badge line. We will think on it.
I'm just sorry that we didn't get to hang out. Let's fix that in the Big Apple. :)
I just want to thank you for sharing your vision with us {and THANKS for stopping in}!
Like I told Elisa, you guys are awesome ~ You don't have to change a thing!
See ya in NYC!
Hey Dawana!!!
First off you rock for even making me feel welcome before I even arrived. You were part of the reason why I thought my first Blog Her was awesome. I love meeting new exciting people and you seemed really genuine. Thanks for being a doll!! Look forward to hanging with you soon one day. I appreciate the love you show my blog and I will be stopping by more often.
Oh and the blogger in that pic is from greenyourdecor.com
THANK YOU! For stopping in and for being you {and filling in that blank for me}! HUGS!
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