September 7, 2008

Guilty As Charged!

Who is this woman??? I have no idea, however, her body is circulating the web with Governor Sarah Palin's head on it and I fell for it!!!

This election year has everyone exhausted and pimp slapped at every turn!

In this day and age, how is the average person supposed to decipher what is true and what is fantasy?

After months of me threatening to give it all up, I AM OFFICIALLY DONE!

This smear came in the form of a forwarded email from someone I hold to respect and being formidable. This person never forewords, which I typically do not as well, so I fell for the fear factor. THEN I forwarded it!

This all leads me to the discussion of where do forwards originate? How can you determine their validity, and what should you even question? EVERYTHING?

I have visited and Truth Or on MANY occasions, but for things that were just blatant ~ like those thousands of emails about people sneaking in your cars when you go to gas up, or the long lost teen who is missing, please send donations, or the cat that is really a tiger...but after days of seeing Governor Palin on television with her rifle, talking about guns and her entire stance, it was completely I stand ashamed.

While I, in no way agree or even partially agree with anything she has said, hold firm that she is a human being and deserves respect and dignity as she proceeds through this historic campaign.

Sticking to the issues in this election will be so very hard, especially as folks circulate lies and smear campaigns. I was fortunate enough to have been left off the trails of Senator Obama smears.

I am now sticking to my old values of being leery of forwarded material. I love getting notes from friends, readers and anyone who wants to be interviewed here on the House, but rumours, gossip mills and smears will end up in the recycle bin.

My apologies to anyone I offended in sending the smear and, for goodness sakes, let us all find me some substantive issues to chomp on ~ there are PLENTY there!

From civil rights to human rights ~ that McCain/Palin ticket leaves us with so, so very much to be scared about without having to email pranks...lets get to our due diligence.


Liz Dwyer said...

It's a good question about where do forwards begin. Who thinks these things up? I totally don't get it.

You're right, we've got to get to the truth without becoming embroiled in the cess pool. It's just hard when "truth" becomes a shifting mirage in the media/campaign.

Unknown said...

Absolutely! Thanks ~