September 29, 2008

As a lay person...

I have found this site that is maintained by the Annenberg Public Policy Center. The premise is outstanding work in research, dissemination and focus on political, societal and media related information. In addition they host lectures and conferences and convene with expert panels on important issues that affect us.

FactCheck is their affiliation and while typically I rely on CNN, I am growing tired of their spins and anecdotal commentary.

I mean YES, this does appear to be the end of the world, but REALLY it's not ~ and I just need the facts so I know what to do next.

Check them out, why I attempt to finish removing the sand from my ears!

Really I had the best weekend until I received news that it may rain today here in Chicago! I suspect Hurricane Kyle remnants, but I did not check for sure.

"Didn't we ALMOST have it all..."

~ Whitney Houston song 1987
Michael Masser
Will Jennings, songwriters

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