I sincerely hope that everyone had a wonderful, informative, and productive Earth Day!! Thank You to all of our fellow bloggers for their incredible input. Los Angelista and her giveaway ~ Elaine Vigneault ~ and everyone! I enjoyed myself!!
It was also a big sports day for me. Yesterday the New Orleans Hornets (GO TYSON) were successful, and my annual heavenly matchup with the Yankees vs The White Sox continues!
Diet wise, my family has succumbed quite happily into contentment without meat and dairy! We have overcome some very huge obstacles, and while I am sure we may falter here and there, I am excited to report we are well on our way to a vegan lifestyle.
I continue to also prefer consuming items that are kosher or halal ~ and am also still Shaklee-fying my home!
SO, with all of that said, I hope you too are enjoying some Spring changes that are ushering health and happiness into your lives, whatever those things may be and bring! We'd love to hear about them so tell us here or email me if you are too shy!
Have a great day!!!

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