January 28, 2008

Liz and Ramona

Thinking about dreaming big and family and opportunities is almost an unfathomable agenda. I think maybe it is why my belief is that sometimes you just have to stop testing the water and jump in! You may swallow water and even go under for a bit, but chances are really GREAT that you will NOT drown.

Life will undoubtedly, most certainly get in the way, but that is part of the challenge and also part of our growth. Choosing the path of least resistance, helping others and formulating those internal voices into movement; all while cultivating passion and usurping expository implementations is the key to success. Remember also to have faith ~ faith in yourself, your God and your universe ~ love always finds a way!

Do you remember when you had to grow up? Do you remember the first time life smacked you in the head? If you had siblings, do you remember falling back on their support? OR being the support?

I would like to introduce to you Liz and Ramona and the details behind UPTOWN LIZ. This week we will be examining life, love and horrible loss. Becoming a phoenix from out of the fire, and blossoming for a cause that affects us all ~ Stay tuned!

There is a favorite scene of mine in the movie "Meet Joe Black" where The Angel of Death (Beautiful Brad Pitt) comes to take the dying Antillean woman at her request and she tells him that she has enough "pretty pictures" to take with her. Let's make and then take our pretty pictures, but also leave a wonderful legacy behind ~

~ all images courtesy of Ramona Russell of Type A Solutions * Business Services

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