November 7, 2007

Peace Globe Movement ~ Dona Nobis Pacem ~ BlogBlast For Peace

When I think of peace, I think of all the things that make me happy or feel safe or visions that calm me down. I think of love, laughter, the sky, the beach and sounds. Peace is a stream of consciousness that we first have to witness and then somehow capture it so that we can release it, or reclaim it as needed. There will never be peace on earth, BUT there can be a more concerted effort by us all to harbour peace, nurture peace, have peaceful fellowship, spread peace, comfort peacefully, encourage peace, we can even promote we are doing here today! Today, stretch forth toward the heavens, with your arms raised and greet the day! Today, hold a hand or rub a back. Today, give a dollar, or buy the person behind you coffee or lunch. Feed the meter extra quarters, tell someone to have a GREAT day. Hug a teacher, pet a dog, or let someone in while you are in maddening traffic. I plan to hum all day. I plan to smile inside. I want to spread my peace for the rest of the week. And guess what???? I get to start with you!!!!! You are SO awesome, so special and so so sweet! Have a great day!!! Que la paix soit avec vous!!!

1 comment:

Travis Cody said...

Peace to you and yours on this wonderful Peace Globe Day and always.