September 3, 2007

Has Your Ship Come In???

Well, I am back to my old self after all of that venting! Not a care in the world! Happy to be alive - AND - wondering if your ship has come in yet! Mine is in the process of arriving. Each day I swab the deck and position myself at the helm.

How about you? 2007 is swiftly closing. Have you made your New Year's Resolutions complete or will they still be hanging around, with those of the past, as you begin to sing "Auld Land Syne" this upcoming December 31st!

Lucky to say, I don't even make New Year's Resolutions. At least I haven't in about 5 years. One year I woke up and decided I was just going to do what presented itself to me. I then thought heartily on how positive and stimulating I wanted my life so that the things that did come my way would be exuberant, healthy, fascinating and zesty!

I even threw in having someone to move me into living because they were so full of life. I have satisfied many of the little life photos that I envisioned in my mind. As I complete them, I file them in my mind and say to myself "On to the next!!"

Sit for a moment. Close your eyes. What do you see? Hm mm, I see my ship coming in. I see a myriad of wealth, health and happiness! I see LIFE! Come on -- Pack your bags!

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