November 13, 2014

Essence & @Raelt 20 years later

Ya, so it becomes harder and harder for me to deal with life once the weather becomes very cold. I might be a brat, but I truly despise it and probably complain in my head 6 months straight.

From November to March, I am simply mad at the world!

But some things make me come out of my funk, and when I do come out, I love sharing with all of you!

My gal pal Rae Lewis- Thornton has hit the news-stands!

I stand with SO many other women when I say that she saved my life back in 1994.

I was probably hell bent on destruction until I picked up that Essence and was schooled by Ms. Sister Rae.

Visit Diva Living With Aids & grab your issue. Living with HIV/AIDS is no joke, stay safe and reach out, ask Rae how you can help make this disease more bearable for those who have it and to eradicate it for those of us who don't.

Rae Lewis-Thornton 1994

Rae 2014

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