August 4, 2013

#WCSoiree in da #CHI

Life with MJ Tam is a whirlwind.

I needed an entire week off being brain-dead back at Cook County before I could find words to put to the week of July 23rd!


Beth Rosen & MJ Tam are the best Chicagonistas and mentors around because they are simply pure fun!

Our #WCSoiree, an unintentional pre-cursor to Blogher, was everything on our bucket list and more!

We LOVE Chicago landmarks, we love shopping, we love each other, our blogging community and WE LOVE FASHION!

Water Tower 4th Floor before the show!

Kris Cain aka @LittleTechGirl & Moi

CHECK OUT Fabie de Silva's awesome recap HERE

Our community of models are amazing bloggers and pioneers in Social Media:

What an afternoon ... OH WAIT!

You can watch it right here, as all of our shows are here whenever you need us, just say CHICAGONISTALIVE!

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