February 7, 2008

When I think of Ida Bell Wells-Barnett

Our friend over at Los Angelista's Guide to the Pursuit of Happiness ran a post this week about Black History. And well, it made me think about my mama.

Shhh. don't tell her that I told you guys but ~~~

My mama was born in the Ida B. Wells Chicago Housing Authority Development, OR "Project" as it is known here in Chicago. My Gran was so proud to tell the story that she birthed her at home. My mama was birthed on my grandmother's very own bed one cool October day. She had been baking my uncle's birthday cake when she went into labor. A neighbor helped her deliver, and well, my mama was born!

Ida B. Wells apartments were new back in those times. My Gran said she was so proud to have been selected to reside in a brand new unit. It even had a garden. To this day, it is still hard for me to imagine that these units were ever nice, or seen in a positive light, or were even places that people once felt good about. Nonetheless, when I think of Ida B. Wells the woman, as such the great activist and unifyer, I am certain that when they named the development for her, there were good intentions in mind.

Today the area lays in ruins with upscale development surrounding it. As a scathing editorialist, Ida B. Wells wrote fervently about the issues of black inequality. She was outspoken about lynching, suffrage and gender bias. Thankfully, Ida B. Wells' legacy lives on. Her great-grandson has fascinatingly partaken her postive energy and woven a pattern with it ~ pursuing, with dignity and with grace, many of her endeavors.

We will be meeting Dan Duster tomorrow as he is our "Friends On Friday" guest!

Dan is a motivational speaker. He is an entreprenuer. Dan is a civil rights activist.

Check Dan out here as he accepted an official apology from the United States Senate July 2005 enacted by the 109th Senate on February 7, 2005! Where was the media when Senate Resolution 39 happened???


Let's teach each other as much as we can!!!

Feel free to email me about the masses of things we have missed over the years. Things that you think we should know ~ it is never too late to educate each other on important subject matter! Learning is the key to life, now let's open some doors!!

No ONE person can catch everything, BUT as a group on a mission we can bring knowledge to the world!

image from DanDuster.net

Feel free to contact Dan, he is so inspiring, and so innovative!

"Highlight the Positive, Learn from the Negative, and keep Moving Forward"
~ Dan Duster

3D Development Group
9046 S. Blackstone Ave
Chicago, IL 60619

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