With all of the major things that are pressing on our minds as of late, I wanted to share with you all something cute.
30 years ago I was fanatical about GREASE! I was, uhhummm, 11 years old, pretty much the same age as my kid today.
When I say fanatical, I mean I had the "album", I had t-shirts, went into the movie several times and would sit all day and watch it over and over with my best girlfriend, would have other girlfriends over to her house and we'd act out every song.
To this day, I still know every word. Every nuance and all the dialogue!
I have not seen any of the live performances. Mainly because I simply LOVED John Travolta (Vinnie Barbarino forever)and Olivia Newton-John. Loved them!
Over the years, from time to time, if it came on television, I would animatedly watch it and share the enthusiasm with my son. He would sigh and proclaim "MOM!"
You know how they do when they think you are being retarded.
SO! Imagine my delight a month ago, when my pre-teen said, "Hey MOM, sing that song from Grease, you know the one ~ "Grease-Lightning".
After I finished...yes, I sang the entire thing, I asked why?
My kid is in the school production! Oh my goodness!!! We've been singing and I have happily been reliving that awesome part of life.
Those of you who share my generational period, those were times of peace and happiness, and simplicity. We walked the streets singing down the middle of a thoroughfare without a fear of gun-fire, rapists, pedophiles, gangs, hit and runs.
NOT that those things did not exist, but life was less harried. There were moments where you could just breathe.
So anyway, just enjoy the memories of Rydell High, The Pink Ladies, the T-Birds and who could forget "You're The One That I Want!"
Enjoy the day!
That is awesome!!! I am considerably younger, but one of the first tapes I got was the Grease soundtrack, hehe. Such a great movie :)
HAHAA, I was just commenting on your blog ~ tehee...yes, it is such a great one!
*bought my lentil soup for lunch and really want to eat it now!
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