Whew...Ice/Sleet/Rain/Freezing Rain/Snow storms are NOT fun!
Unless you are A) A winter lover B) A kid
Much of the country is being savagely hit by frigid stormy winter weather, and while I am grossly unhappy, my son is frolicking and could easily be "Frosty"'s helper!
The aftermath of this assault on my senses has actually been a "Winter Wonderland".
SO, with the holiday less than a week away, here is a reprint of our friend Tamera's list. Over at Pentad: Simplifying Life and Love, practicality and healthy mental life tips are always available...
Keep in mind this season is about joy, love, family and friends...and important beliefs that keep us moving in the right direction!!
We're closing in on Christmas once more, and that means 'busy' for so
many. Although it seems as though we are bombarded with 'do this, and don't do that", they are often embedded in negative messages. There are many 'do's' that are positive activities, and not only increase our well-being, but get us through the holiday season.
So, here's a few jolly ideas!
1. Drink plenty of fresh water not only this month, but always ;o)
2. Remember fruit between the Christmas goodies and sweets.
3. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. I know it's easier said than done, but we need more sleep in the winter months.
4. Include as many seasonal foods in your cooking as possible. They tend to be richest in nutrients. Seasonal winter foods are also 'warming'. We are part of nature, and prone to the laws of biology. If we live in tune with it, our bodies tend to feel better.
5. Give hugs each day to spouse/partner and children. Positive physical contact increases well-being, and reduces stress. And, face it. We need those hugs.
6. It's easy to forget exercise this month. We have only so many hours in each day, and they become thinly spread during the holidays. It's important to lower your expectations, and go easy on yourself. It is also true that our bodies are meant to slow down in the winter. Although we don't always recognize this fact, it is true. We need more rest, and exercising as we normally do, can sometimes increase our vulnerability to colds and the flu. It's that biological clock again! It may be much more beneficial with a few minutes of fresh air each day. Take a leisurely walk, and soak in the sights.
7. Enjoy your senses. Notice the decorations, lights, music and smells everywhere you go. Allow yourself to be delighted by them.
8. Plan a date this month with your partner/spouse. Yes, just the two of you. Have someone babysit, and take in a Christmas concert, a quiet dinner out, a walk in nature. Anything that will fit the family budget.
Holidays are also a busy time for 'marital stress', so talk about something other than 'holiday stress' on your outing together. The two of you have to function as a strong and loving couple, or the family as a unit won't function. Play on the same team, and don't let others pull you in different directions. The bottom line is remain emotionally open to each other, and stay connected.
9. Do be selfish, and cut back on the gift-spending. With the economic times we are in, everyone has a good excuse. It is stressful on everyone in the family when we go broke in December, and January bills cause us headaches as a result. It's not worth it.
10. Breathe! That's right. Breathing deeply is essential to well-being, and people sometimes don't realize how important it is. Check how deeply you are huffing and puffing several times a day.
11. Lastly, here is a special wish I have for everyone. Let go of at least one thing this month, and make room for something new that will enhance your closest relationships. No, I don't mean an 'item'. I mean a past emotional hurt, anger, sadness, or grudge you remain chained to. All you have to do is tell yourself that it's time to let go of whatever it is, and everything you need to know and understand about it in order to do so, will become apparent. Although these things often include other people, we do not need their permission to let go of our part of the equation.
Again. When we let go of something old, we make room for something new, and suddenly everything looks different.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ~ Tamera!

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