August 29, 2010

I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight ...

Photo courtesy of Houseonahillorg

I also write over at The Chicago Moms Blog and as the new school year gets into bloom, there has been quite a bit of parenting in the posts. I must say I am included in that mass.

I am finding that we moms tend to be our own worst critics.

I had not realized this problem's magnitude until just now.

Many times, I simply felt that one can not be hard enough on themselves, or others, when it comes to being a great parent.

Because I am in criminal justice, I see so many instances where the simplest thing can make a kid go wrong. So, for the past 25 years, I have been uber constructive, and very much the harsh amplifier, when witnessing someone's parenting skills.

However, after reading my fellow mothers' concerns, I can honestly say that we are too hard on ourselves sometimes, and gosh, why aren't more parents as diligent??

I can share recently, as I was collecting a urine specimen for a female defendant, that my thoughts were that she seemed pleasant enough and so I made the effort to engage in very small chit chat.

Typically I use these moments to guide, preach or encourage. Very rarely is it vague, and idle, small talk.

Upon returning her to the waiting area, I saw a familiar teen who over the years I attempted to mentor. He and his twin had served an alternative sentence for the past 5 years and, while I was not supervising their cases, I grew to know and interact with them...learning their likes, dislikes and dreams.

On this particular day, upon returning to the waiting area with this woman, I saw the taller twin and began to interact. We began discussing the latest news and the woman began chiming in too. The free communication went on for a few minutes when I began to notice a familiarity between the two and interrupted ... "Do you all know each other???" The twin replied that the woman was his mother. SHOCKED, I made a quick detour with my thoughts and wished them a great day.

So many times I had wondered about their mother, father, home-life and what I felt was missing in their upbringing.

I am still pondering all these days later. Should I have asked her about her family, was there anything I could have done to ease her burden, chastise her, was it best to stay out of the loop here. The boys, in my opinion, are a wreck in many ways. Multiple arrests, drug cases and violations between the two. Is this "apples not falling far from the tree"? Is this environmental? A family affair? What? What did she do or not do?

As a civil servant/law enforcement agent, we toddle back and forth effortlessly between investigator, counselor, mentor, enforcer and psychologist.

But, no matter how long I have been analyzing, as I said, 25 years, it is always cause to pause and reflect as to how do we as parents, despite our socio-economic status, produce good and bad children.

We might think that poverty plays a role, but in many instances it does not play the role we think.

Attentive, conscientious, deliberate, disciplined parenting goes much farther than anything in ones bank account, but where do we go wrong in circumstances where everything adds up to success?

How do we determine what the exact recipe is for well-rounded, good kids?

Do we beat ourselves up when we simply are doing our best? How do we draw the line, make the grade or satisfy the beast? We know that all of us are not exactly cut out for parenting. Many of us struggle with mental illness and substance abuse. What types of chances do our little ones actually have? When is it completely up to them to chose their own path despite our best efforts?

Statistics show one thing ...

But in reality, I am not sure there is an answer. I do know that if our intentions remain pure, we are honest with ourselves and our offspring - in doing the best possible with the ones we love, we have won. Won something at any rate ... hopefully it is respect and a contributing, successful citizen. If we somehow missed the mark, we must forgive ourselves and go forward, impacting in lieu of our mistakes and hoping the universe sees fit to make our negatives positives.

August 15, 2010

25 years gone in a blink!

I attended my 25th High School Reunion this past weekend.

This is the first year I TOTALLY had a blast.

Being mid-forties has a lot to do with it.

By now we are comfortable in our skins. Or at least we are simply to old to care!

25 years later, we don't remember the in-fighting, who stole whose boyfriends/girlfriends and are simply happy, and grateful, for we who have successfully endured - weathered life's storms - and made it to the other side.

At this point in the equation, there is a list of us who are no longer in this physical realm. We honored them in whispers and quiet wishes.

We shared our children and spouses.

Many, who were not in our "class", also came - we invited all - and it was truly a treasure to see faces from old.

Saturday we actually had a picnic on our school grounds and empty halls preserved our laughter, wishes and dreams. It was a beautiful thing.

I took in every hug, every kiss, and every warm embrace -

Recollecting our love for one another was so easy.

I hear our promises from yesteryear and today in my soul. Reunion.

United we stand - a testament of determination and strength ... many of you have crossed these declarations - some have experienced more than others ...

What stands out for you? If you remain in the same city as your youth, do you keep in touch with old haunts and relations? What have you enjoyed or disliked about celebrating your past?

I, for one, simply can  not wait for our next gathering!

August 10, 2010

Chin Up!


It is why people with multiple degrees and credentials get stalled. They may also be unable to grow because of market deficit or, because with an arrested market, they may feel that they have the luxury to do so.

In these dates and times, slouching is just not in vogue. There are too many opportunities to rise and shine! SEEK THEM! Most of us are becoming quite crafty and reinventing of ourselves.

It can be fun becoming a new you!

Mortgages can't wait. Responsibilities can't wait. Leaning on elderly parents is not an option in this date of uncertainty.

Many of us have suffered some horrendous situations these past few years - it is time to buckle up and get into gear.

I personally lost an income property to foreclosure while assisting some associates in real estate adventures.

Before losing the house I decided I would be savvy and innovative. I made my mind up to do whatever it took to keep the house. I rented it. I made it a luxurious vacation alternative .. but after a year the market burst. People were no longer traveling, they were not renting, nor were they in need of student housing off-campus because 'Mom & Dad' could not afford that lifestyle.

I failed and the "HouseonAHill" was lost. I vowed to steer clear of income real estate and my go-getting risk--taking friends!

That was two years ago.

Instead of sinking with my dreams, I rose and started to blog. I blogged about staying in a healthy mind-frame. I journaled about starting fresh and changing paths. I did not speak about my failure, only about how I saw my life heading in a smarter more vibrant hue.

Today I feel renewed and optimistic.

Life still has many challenges ~ and I am sure there are more to come, however, when you put yourself in the mindset of "SUCCEED AT ALL COST" it tends to stay there and manifest a love of life multiplied.

Keep the faith, I have!!

August 8, 2010

Come together, right now ...

Business people in a meeting

I really wanted to attend Blogher 2010 in New York City this year.

Attending my first Blogher Conference in 2009 was a hoot and a holler!

I attended MORE Reinvention this past Spring.

I've met so many wonderful people.

Talking to most of them regularly on the social media sites, makes the IRL (In Real Life) aspect truly neat.

Following the hashtag on Twitter #Blogher10 was a pacifier. Also the updates on Facebook helped, but seriously, I plan on starting an account to make my way to San Diego 2011!!

There are many reasons that someone would want to participate in such a wonderful collection of bloggers and brands. Comradeship, education, connection, swag, networking, engaging and bonding.

There's more!

Blogher, Blogalicious and MORE ( to name a few ) get-togethers spark ideas. From these thoughts, and working dreams, one can embrace empowerment and confidence.

I look forward to the benefits of these social media group experiences.

I look forward to hand and hand exchanges with my cyber family.

What do some of you value in conferences overall?

Fellow social media meetings?

If you work in a corporation do you look forward to conferencing?

Entrepreneurs how do you value these exchanges? Better, how do you afford them?

August 7, 2010

What is healthy???

I have been angry a lot recently.

It may be totally unwarranted, but I have been angry nonetheless.

My anger has come from the word "healthy".

It is the premise of all of the sites that I author, but maybe I did not know it as well as I thought.

It appears that the definition of "Healthy" is broad - transparent, if you will - not a true depiction or evaluation of what I view health is.

Its stated meaning, lying somewhere in between sleep, vigor and balance according to, is also a tad lackluster.

Alas, is that why famous model/actor Brooke Shields rants on television about this product and that, exclaiming it is "healthy" for you when it really is awash with chemicals and detriment??

Not usually a violent person, I truly have wanted, at times, to slap her face.

Taking product derived in a lab to make my eyelashes longer is not "healthy"! Or is it, by our loose definitions!

Technically, it doesn't help one sleep, be vigorous or balanced. Her claims about toothpaste are despicable and her hormonal imbalance can easily be blamed on the fertility drugs she took. BUT because she is beautiful, rich, well-known and respected - companies buy her and her family and promote it as "health".

I sincerely hope that if any of us desire clarity that we seek it.

Educate ourselves before we run out and assume something is good for us simply because it came from a paid smile.

And while "healthy" may be just another dirty word - yes, I am now feuding with its terms! Let's take a moment to re-define HEALTHY for the purposes we will be using it for here:

naturally invigorating

good for mind body and soul


nurture coming from the Earth's natural state.


untainted emphasis on absence of disease.

I hope we examine what type of health we really desire to introduce into our systems.

Brooke may have been paid well, and her products may very well work initially, but the damage to our internal  balance is truly apparent. If you are eating well balanced meals, not ingesting antibiotics or veterinary drugs via your food, why would your eyelashes be falling out?

Nonetheless, I have recently prescribed to living like this woman here in Chicago - Karyn Calabrese.

I have attended quite a few events with her as a featured guest and I must say - she is completely LOVELY.

Her skin, at 60 + years is flawless and she is a vegan.

No secretions or animal ingestion for her. BRAVO. Additionally, her restaurants in our city have been longstanding and delicious.

So next time you look at Ms. Shields I hope you will re-think "HEALTHY"!

Art Smith, Shane Talbott & Karyn Calabrese ~ Photo courtesy of